
What's MYIPTV ? How can l use it?

MYIPTV can download to Android box to watch. and welcome to know about its channels  list

1.What country does it apply to?

MYIPTV apply to use on Singapore \ Malaysia \ Brunei and almost Asian countries

2.Where is it restricted to use?

MYIPTV  is limited to use on China\Taiwan\America\ European country\Canada\Hongkong

3.Does it have adult channels ?

MYIPTV has not adult channels

Huat 88 TV almost channles has contained MYIPV.

4.which device be supported ?

It supported version 5 or above 5 Android box.

5. How to download the APK ?

Download from our website and install

6.How to activate ?

After download please send your MAC to us activate.

if you would like know more about MYIPTV or other IPTV please feel free to contact me .

if you would like know more about MYIPTV please feel free to contact me .

Email: service@singaporeiptv.com

Skype: singaporeiptv.com

WhatsApp/Viber/WeChat: +8615014130100

Website:  https://www.singaporeiptv.com/

