
What' Android box ? Which IPTV can l download into? What channels can l watch?

Many clients ask '' What's Android box ? ''  In fact , Android box like a Android phone, They have similar functions. it can download IPTV into watch , it can listening music , it can Surf the Internet. 

There is our Android box function introduce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkYRVDw8BPo

There is open the Android box package video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMizosdpY0k

Which IPTV  I can download into watch ?

Those IPTV you all can download into the Android box to use :

If you would like know more about the box detail 
If you would like know more about the channels of IPTV 

Welcome to contact us : +8615014130100

